TS21 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

TS21 2 is a postcode sector in County Durham, UK. Below is a complete list of TS21 2 Postcodes (Active). TS21 2 postcode sector comprises of 111 active postcodes. TS21 2 sector has a population of 2698, and it has 1206 properties in the region.

Browse Information On TS21 2 postcode sector

TS21 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 2698
Addresses / Property Count 1206
Active Postcodes 111
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of TS21 2 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 111 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
TS21 2AA 54.65233800 -1.44966000 4 11 435607 528721
TS21 2AB 54.65318700 -1.45064000 6 9 435543 528815
TS21 2AD 54.65299800 -1.45056500 3 8 435548 528794
TS21 2AE 54.65269200 -1.44846100 10 25 435684 528761
TS21 2AF 54.65272700 -1.44632200 12 30 435822 528766
TS21 2AG 54.65265000 -1.44500300 4 10 435907 528758
TS21 2AH 54.65306300 -1.44698400 3 7 435779 528803
TS21 2AJ 54.65347300 -1.44809100 N/A N/A 435707 528848
TS21 2AL 54.65668200 -1.45434400 32 79 435301 529202
TS21 2AN 54.65621600 -1.45272300 7 17 435406 529151
TS21 2AP 54.65731500 -1.45322000 31 68 435373 529273
TS21 2AQ 54.65331300 -1.44664000 2 5 435801 528831
TS21 2AR 54.65306700 -1.44599200 14 16 435843 528804
TS21 2AS 54.65151000 -1.44551700 N/A N/A 435875 528631
TS21 2AT 54.64954100 -1.44898100 N/A N/A 435653 528410
TS21 2AU 54.65371800 -1.45091200 1 2 435525 528874
TS21 2AW 54.65694800 -1.45367400 8 22 435344 529232
TS21 2AY 54.65365200 -1.45191700 4 10 435460 528866
TS21 2AZ 54.65498000 -1.45160800 16 31 435479 529014
TS21 2BA 54.65451600 -1.45234300 12 20 435432 528962
TS21 2BB 54.66703100 -1.45960100 1 4 434953 530351
TS21 2BD 54.67381700 -1.46393000 1 3 434668 531104
TS21 2BE 54.65423800 -1.45212600 2 2 435446 528931
TS21 2BF 54.65015500 -1.44362600 N/A N/A 435998 528481
TS21 2BG 54.64956000 -1.44530800 N/A N/A 435890 528414
TS21 2BH 54.65283700 -1.45245500 2 3 435426 528775
TS21 2BJ 54.65164700 -1.45152600 N/A N/A 435487 528643
TS21 2BL 54.65254300 -1.45120700 7 20 435507 528743
TS21 2BN 54.65298200 -1.45099900 1 4 435520 528792
TS21 2BP 54.64852400 -1.44663900 N/A N/A 435805 528298
TS21 2BQ 54.64903900 -1.44720600 N/A N/A 435768 528355
TS21 2BS 54.65210500 -1.45175500 8 24 435472 528694
TS21 2BT 54.65172700 -1.45332200 10 22 435371 528651
TS21 2BU 54.65251700 -1.45345400 5 11 435362 528739
TS21 2BW 54.65202000 -1.45299600 34 76 435392 528684
TS21 2BX 54.65387900 -1.45253700 7 14 435420 528891
TS21 2BY 54.65108400 -1.45662000 27 68 435159 528578
TS21 2BZ 54.65031300 -1.46114000 3 6 434868 528490
TS21 2DA 54.65019200 -1.45804200 29 72 435068 528478
TS21 2DE 54.65105000 -1.45305600 19 51 435389 528576
TS21 2DF 54.65116100 -1.45184500 3 12 435467 528589
TS21 2DG 54.64995400 -1.45317900 39 112 435382 528454
TS21 2DH 54.65067300 -1.45106100 29 79 435518 528535
TS21 2DJ 54.64908400 -1.44948700 18 41 435621 528359
TS21 2DL 54.65001600 -1.45088400 23 47 435530 528462
TS21 2DN 54.65288000 -1.46639100 N/A N/A 434527 528773
TS21 2DP 54.64806900 -1.44970200 6 12 435608 528246
TS21 2DQ 54.64932600 -1.45145100 12 29 435494 528385
TS21 2DR 54.64784400 -1.44951900 6 13 435620 528221
TS21 2DS 54.64801400 -1.45148500 31 79 435493 528239
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